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Baldi Basics Bot
Prefix: <@821513607916814376>

Baldi Basics is full of fun commands to play in your server. If you are a Baldi fan, you will DEFINITLY enjoy this bot. You can send people to detention, ask baldi stuff, and more. A Cool thing about this bot. Like my other bots, most of the fun commands works in DMs.


bb!help will give you a list of its current commands.



This bot is a one of a kind discord bot which might be the first public Baldi Basics bot on discord. Also we have a dedicated staff team that will answer your questions and concerns. We hope you enjoy Baldi Basics Bot.




* = Required

*Read Messages - Recieving your commands

*Send Messages - Actually sending messages

*Embed Links - For it to send cool embeds

Attach Files - Cuurently unused

Add Reactions - Currently Unused

*Connect - For it to connect to VCs

*Speak - Actually transmitting audio

*Use Voice Activity - Make sure the bot works correctly in PTT channels

Priority Speaker - So the bot can be overheard from other members

Manage Roles - For bb!adetention to work

Manage Channels - Currently Unused

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